About Us

Pray For My City Launching

May 2, 2024

In 2015, God begin to encourage me to be more committed to daily prayer for my area, my nation, and some specific areas around the world. This started as a private prayer focus. Out of a business plan from 2014-2015 my mind and heart became focused on eight cities in prayer. 

This business plan did not go forward, but the cities and the urge to pray for them would not go away. In late 2015, I began praying over my hometown area and these eight cities regularly. In 2016, I followed some direction from God and started doing morning prayer live videos on Facebook. In a few months, I was praying over 30 cities. In early 2017, the prayer list of cities expanded to 100 cities. Later that year, it became 333 cities. We prayed for these 333 cities each month, 11-12 cities per day, with many other people via Twitter. After the COVID-19 crisis that swept our nation and the world my mind and heart expanded to pray for the largest 1,100 cities in the United Sates. 

In 2023, the Lord led me to extend that to the 1,200 largest cities in the USA. On May2, 2024 (The National Day of Prayer) we are launching an initiative to turn this call to prayer into a movement, a prayer revival, in and for those cities with a commitment to live and serve in those cities for the purpose of transformation. The goal is to see our cities transformed through our prayer, service, love, and faithfulness to be places of hope, peace, and opportunity. We’d love for you to join the movement. We are not going to just pray for revival, we are going to live in one. -Wes Peaden

Our Goal

We are committed to working for and praying for the good of our city. Our goal is to see our cities transformed through praying faithfully, serving others diligently , and loving people wholly.

Our Plan

We are assembling prayer teams in each of the 1,200 largest cities in the United States of America. The teams consist of prayer team partners who dedicate themselves to 15 minutes of daily prayer for their city. Each prayer team consists of a coordinator and four partners. The partners each pray fifteen minutes per day. The prayer team coordinators lead one hour of prayer for their city each day with these prayer team partners. There are twenty-four prayer teams in each city, covering each hour of every day. This strategic plan is designed to connect 144,000 partners, in the 1,200 largest cities of the USA, who will be dedicated to fifteen minutes of daily prayer. As a result, of this unprecedented movement each city will receive 168 hours of prayer per week.

We are Not

Just praying for revival

We are living in one. 


Work for the peace and prosperity of the city…pray to the Lord for it, for its welfare will determine your welfare.

Jer. 29:7